6th Annual Bob Earley Memorial Golf Tournament
April 20, 2024 @ 8:30AM — 5:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Suffolk Golf Course: 1227 Holland Rd Suffolk, VA 23434 Get Directions

Come play golf with us to support Pediatric Cancer
The “Be Like Bob” Foundation was created in 2019 to honor the memory of "Big Bob" Earley. Bob Earley was a man known for his HUGE personality and love of Chicago sports, but he is remembered even more for his HUGE heart! Bob served his country, spending 4 years in the US Navy stationed in Norfolk, VA. He served as coach of the Azalea Little League's Challenger Baseball program and was Azalea Little Leagues’ longest running President serving the community of Norfolk for more than 10 years. Bob remains the longest tenured President of Azalea Little League, holding that position for 6 years, but his favorite part of the job was coaching and mentoring those less fortunate in Little League’s Challenger Baseball program, where he sat on the board for the “Jake Hardison Memorial Challenger Jamboree” for more than 10 years. Bob also coached the TAC Neptunes Football and Basketball organization, where he was known as "Coach Bob", “Coach Taz”, or "Uncle Bob". One of Bob’s proudest accomplishments was donating over 71 units (8 gallons) of O negative blood to CHKD during his lifetime. For 25 years, Bob assisted in creating not only the culture of Q-Master Billiards and the US Open 9-Ball Championships, but also the family-like atmosphere that still exists today. Most importantly, Bob served his family. He served the love of his life and wife of 38 years, Linda Earley. He was a mentor, confidant, and best friend to his children: Bobby, Ashley, and Ryan. He was a true hero and Best Papa Ever to Fayth, Trey, Brandon, Avery, Chaynce, Evan, and Olivia. Everyone was family to Bob; he never met a stranger, never left an opinion unsaid, and never let a day go by where he didn't make at least one person feel like they were the most important person in the world. So come enjoy a day of golf for a good cause and BE LIKE BOB!
Platinum Tier- Price: $5,000
Benefits: Logo placement on the tournament website, Logo placement on promotional banners, table set up at hole, recognition in all event materials, 10 dedicated social post, recognition on all social media channels, 3 complimentary team entries. 3-hole signs, logo displayed on event t-shirt
Gold Tier- Price: $3,000Benefits: Logo placement on promotional banners, table set up at hole, recognition in all event materials, 5 dedicated social posts, recognition on all social media channels, 2 complimentary team entries, 2 holes signs, logo displayed on event t-shirt.
Burgundy Tier- Price: $2,000
Benefits: Logo placement on promotional banners, table set up at hole, recognition in all event materials, 3 dedicated social posts, recognition on all social media channels, 1 complimentary team entries, 1 hole sign, logo displayed on event t-shirt.
Family Sponsorship- Price: $1,500
The "Sponsor a Family" include recognition at opening, a dedicated family thank-you signage, and the opportunity to meet the families benefiting from the event (if available) and present them with check. 1 dedicated social post.
- Please Note: The Hogfarmers Charitable Foundation will select which child/family will receive their respective grant. Sponsorships in excess of the number of families present will be dispersed through the Zola Barbour Memorial Hogfarmer One Time Grant program.
- www.hogarmerscharity.org
Beverage Cart Sponsors- Price: $500
Benefits: Sponsors can have their logo displayed on beverage carts used during the tournament, providing visibility throughout the event. Logo placement on promotional banners, 1 dedicated social post, recognition on all social media channels, 1 hole sign, logo displayed on event t-shirt.
Event Activation Sponsors- Price: $500
Benefits: Companies can activate stations on the course with their branding prominently featured, table set up at hole, Logo placement on promotional banners, recognition in all event materials, 1 dedicated social post, recognition on all social media channels, 1 hole sign, logo displayed on event t-shirt.
Hole Sponsors- Price: $150
Benefits: Companies or individuals can sponsor specific holes on the course, with their logo displayed at the tee box, logo placement on promotional banners, 1 dedicated social post.
4 Person Teams- Price: $400
4 Person Teams- Price $500
Day of sign ups